In regards to new client enquiries, I’m enduringly sorry – I’m definitely at full capacity in my curl studio in New Plymouth, and on each trip I take to Auckland and Wellington through the year.
I have the very fortunate situation where my existing clients continue to re-book, my online business Curls Naturally continues to grow, and my waitlist has been pushing out past 2-3 years now, so I’ve also made the difficult decision to cap it for now.
SO, HOW CAN I HELP? Well, curl friend…
You’ll find lots of FAQ’s here:
https://thecurlnextdoor.co.nz/resources/ (including my E-Guide which I highly recommend if you wish to understand your hair better).
You can also buy products from me at my online shop, including tools, accessories and even sample sized amounts for products you might like to trial:
And, time dependent I can meet you on a Zoom call, or in-person in my curl studio here in New Plymouth for a 30 min Curl Consultation ($60 cost) to answer any questions about product and general curl care. Use this Contact form to get in contact with me for this.
Yours in curls!
xx Donna
For more inspiration, gorgeous curly hair Befores & Afters, model calls, and friendly curl chat, be sure to follow me on Instagram & Facebook.
General Enquires:
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I am an American ex-pat with thick naturally curly hair, and am used to having a specially trained curl stylist care for it.
I spent my first 5 years in New Zealand searching for the same, only to come up empty. Everyone here SAYS they know how to cut naturally curly hair, but really they don’t – they practice ‘one size fits all’ styling.
I despaired at ever finding a knowledgeable stylist in this country.
And then I found Donna The Curl Next Door.
My hair loves her. I drive 3 hours each way to have Donna do my hair, and I will continue to do so for as long as I live in this country. She’s worth every minute.
-Sharna, Palmerston North