Return Curl Friends

Hi Curl Friend! 
I look forward to seeing you and your curls again! As I’ve seen you before, you’ll know how this works…

Partnering with me as your Curl Specialist, you’ll know how long between cuts is best for you, how to use your products effectively, and you’ll be developing and mastering the skills to care for and love your natural texture.

Building on that, we can continue the journey and even create some new magic, as we both continue to respond to what your natural texture loves the most.

If we didn’t sort a re-booking at your last appointment, contact me as soon as you have the inkling it’s needed.

A current description of my Return Curl Friend Appointment is below.

Curl Stylist NZ


My Return Curl Friend appointment includes everything your hair needs, and nothing it doesn’t. 

By consultation before the appointment, we’ll know if we’re looking at a Curl Cut, a Hydration Session, a Curl Rehab Session, Styling and Drying for my curly/wavy clients, or Wash and Go for my tight curl clients, or if it’s to be simply a Curl Cut because you’re ace-ing it with your care and styling routines at home, and turning up to your appointments in a total state of flow with your hair each time. 

Bossy Donna reserves the right to make that final decision in your hair’s best interests 🙂

Most appointments will have a 2 hour space set aside for them in my diary, but some will run shorter and some will run longer.

At the time of booking we’ll have an idea of the length of time to set aside. 

$70  30 minutes
$120 1 hour
$180 1 hour and 30 mins
$240 2 hours
$260 2 hours and 15 mins
$285 2 hours and 30 mins
$305 2 hours and 45 mins
$330 3 hours
$360 3 hours and 15 mins
$385 3 hours and 30 mins

By appointment only, at my private curl studio. 

(Additional travel fee (to be advised) applies when we are booking an appointment for you in one of my cutting trips).

Please contact me, advising that this is the name of the appointment you would like to book. 

(NB: This is not a substitute for stylist education for hair professionals. Please go to Stylists and Salons to view services available for Stylist Curl education)